I love how The Message paraphrases 2 Corinthians 4:17—18. It’s a reminder I need, maybe every day. Here it is:
So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. That buildup of frustration that we have today will be gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.
I had a minor meltdown one day last week. I was simply trying to get the leaves out of our pool—something I’ve done often for many years. However, of late, the smallest of tasks have been a challenge. With this task, I found I had to stop and rest after each batch of leaves I pulled from the pool. I did this a few times, and then I just leaned on the pole I was using and cried…and cried and cried! I was so over being tired, fatigued, constantly having body aches, feeling nauseous, and dealing with emotion of frustration caused by my cancer treatments. Jeff, my husband, came over to comfort me and remind me that this is temporary and that I’m almost to the finish line.
He was right. I needed that gentle reminder of hope. It helped me regroup.
It’s okay to have these moments of utter frustration or meltdown. It’s normal—but we can’t just stay there. God’s Word reminds me in the verses above that our afflictions, sufferings, and trials are temporary.
But it is still difficult. When we know we are close to being done with something or close to the end of finishing something, we just want it to be over, don’t we? Whether it’s a project at work or school, dealing with a tough relationship, battling an illness, or serving a prison sentence…we just want it over!
Today, I encourage you to not lose hope. If you feel you’re at the end of your rope, tie another knot and hang on! God is at work. Trust Him. Set your eyes on Him, not your situation or circumstances.
In Ephesians 3, Paul writes from his prison cell to remind us that we can come to God in freedom, without fear, because of our faith in Christ.
With God’s power working in us, we can do much. Remember, God is refining us to show forth His glory.
Go ahead and have that meltdown if you need to. Just promise you won’t let those frustrations keep you down. Let the Lord lavish on you with His grace and love. Grab hold of His promises and head toward the finish line. You’re almost there. When you’ve come through whatever it is you’re going through, you’ll look back and be glad you didn’t lose hope.
Written by Jeanine Moffitt
Photo by Nathan McBride