In our culture, we are encouraged to “live like we are dying” and to “make every moment count.” But what if we lived like other people were dying? And what if we lived with our eyes open, ready to make the most of every opportunity, not for our gain but for the gain of others?

Last spring, I was blessed with an unexpected opportunity when God miraculously raised my grandmother from the dead. (Literally!) I am so thankful I took advantage of it, too, because now I know my grandmother is in heaven.

Grandma’s story begins with an ambulance ride to the hospital due to shortness of breath and low oxygen. Though she was admitted under the diagnosis of double pneumonia, doctors quickly recognized her need for a pacemaker.

Despite several exhausting days in the hospital, Grandma didn’t improve. Finally, the doctors decided to move forward with surgery; waiting for her lungs to clear was no longer an option.

Everything went well, and Grandma was recovering as expected—until the night she coded. She stopped breathing and died.

The medical team placed a breathing tube that pumped oxygen through her body, but she remained completely unresponsive. She was pronounced brain dead.

Family members crowded the room to say goodbye. Pastors and friends prayed over her. The medical team told us it was time to let go. Grandma was gone. The family decided to unplug the machines.

Mom stayed close to the phone that night, anxiously waiting to hear that Grandma was no longer with us.

But in the morning, the most amazing thing happened. Grandma, miraculously revived, called my mom!

It reminded me of the scene in John 11 where Jesus stood outside the tomb of Lazarus and called loudly, “Lazarus, come out!” And the man did, to the amazement of everyone, including his family. God proved that day that He was in control.

He proved it to us, too, through Grandma’s miraculous return to life. The next day, she was transferred home under hospice care, and my mom had the privilege of caring for her for the next month. During that time, our entire family gathered to celebrate Grandma’s 84th birthday.

As I prepared to go to Mom’s house that day, I felt the Holy Spirit tug at my heart, urging me to make sure that Grandma had accepted Jesus as her Savior so that she could have eternal life with Him. I knew then that God had given Grandma more time on earth for this very purpose.

I had no idea how many guests might be in the room when I arrived or how many believed in Jesus. And to be completely honest, I was worried about what they might think or say. But the Lord gave me the courage to set aside my fear and do what He was calling me to do.

I arrived at Mom’s house to find Grandma more alert and understanding than she had been the previous day. At my first opportunity, I asked her if she had ever invited Jesus into her life as her Lord and Savior.

“Not really,” she replied. I explained what that meant and then asked her if she wanted to. I was elated when she exclaimed, “Let’s do it!”

Right there in the middle of that room, surrounded by dozens of loved ones, Grandma prayed with me. She declared with her mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in her heart that God had raised Him from the dead. And she was saved (Romans 10:9). I left that day with the secure knowledge that I would see Grandma again in heaven.

I’ll always be grateful that God gave me another opportunity to share Jesus with my grandmother. But you know, we aren’t always given extra time or another chance; that’s why God says we should make the most of every opportunity when it is before us (Ephesians 5:15–17).

Don’t waste the precious opportunities God has given you today to tell others about Him. As believers, let’s live like others are dying. Let’s set aside our fears and share the greatest gift of all—Jesus.


AMBER LEASON works in special-needs education and enjoys sharing the love of Jesus with her students. Using her life experience, she serves with Thrive, a women’s ministry that facilitates a space for women to connect with God and encourage each other in their faith.