Have you been knocked down in life? Or made mistakes that caused you to fall? Regardless of the reason you are in the waters of defeat, Hit it! will give you the encouragement and tools to get back up and move to victory.
Receive My amazing love. It’s never ending, and it’s always available to you. I am always available to you. I love you. You, you!
From The Father
My precious child, I love you so much. I know life is hard, but don’t lose hope. I will lead and guide you through every trial. Come to Me and I will give rest to your weary soul.
From The Father
Keep your eyes upon Me, My child, and you will enjoy a deeper measure of My love, grace, and joy. Don’t focus on your circumstances. My Spirit in you is greater than any situation in your life.
From The Father
Together, my child, we will rise above your trial and your pain, for I have made you more than a conqueror. You are an overcomer in Me…today and every day of your life.
From The Father
What are you carrying, My child? Guilt? Shame? Anger? Fear? Place it all on My shoulders. Give it all to Me, and be free.
From The Father
My child, it’s time you realize that you are enough. You always have been. You are loved. I love you with an everlasting love.
From The Father
My child, step out from under the weight of your burdens. You weren’t meant to carry it. Unload it all and place it on My shoulders. They are strong. I will exchange your burdens for My strength, peace, power, provision, confidence, and ability.
From The Father
In Me, you have all you need to move forward. Be not afraid. I am here to uphold you and help you. Take My hand.
From The Father
My child, I have great plans for you, but you have to be willing to step into them. You have to be willing to step into unfamiliar and often uncomfortable territories. Don’t be afraid to fall or fail. Falling and failing can be part of the victory process.
From The Father
My child, do you ever feel like you aren’t where you are supposed to be? It’s okay. You can start moving toward a new place today. Everyone has to start somewhere, and sometime. Start now. Start right where you are. I’m with you each step of the way.
From The Father
Want to move forward, My child? Be faithful in the small things. Be full of integrity in everything you do and say. Do that, and I will move you to bigger things.
From The Father
I know your dreams, My child. I placed them in your heart. But dreams don’t just happen. You have to be willing to take steps toward them. You have to be willing to discipline yourself and fight for your dreams when necessary.
From The Father
You can’t please man and go with Me, My child. Sometimes people will reject and ridicule you. I know how you feel. Be willing to be different, perhaps even look ridiculous. I see every sacrifice you make.
From The Father
Are you ready to move forward? Take it step by step. Move, My child. Move with Me. Stay close and listen. Stay clean in your life. Be confident in who I am and who you are in Me. And, be strong and courageous. I am with you and will show you the way.
From The Father
Don’t ignore the wisdom of godly people, My child. I have placed them in your path. They will lead you to victory in truth, wisdom, and love. Be willing to listen to them. I lift up the humble.
From The Father
There is a battle for your life, My child. Satan desires to have you. Many times he has sent people and circumstances to cause confusion and shame, anger and fear. He wants you to hate yourself, to hate others, and to follow after the lust of the flesh. His greatest desire is that you feel you are not enough. But you are! In Me you are more than enough, and you have all you need.
From The Father
Receive more of My amazing love. It’s never ending and it’s always available to you. I’m always available to you. I love you. Yes, you!
From The Father
My child, you have been battling certain thoughts in your mind that are contrary to My thoughts for you. Soak in My Word and allow My promises to dismantle those lies and distractions. My Word will annihilate and destroy every tormenting thought.
From The Father
I know what answers you need, My child. I know what problems you face. I hear your cries…I have not forgotten you.
From The Father
The answer is always before you, My Child, but tormenting thoughts and doubts prevent you from hearing and seeing Me. My Word will bring clarity of mind, and your decision to praise Me, and worship Me in the midst of your pain and questions will release the answer.
From The Father
My child, I will put you in a place of honor. I will make your name great. You will not have to strive and make things happen. Let go of fear and pride. Trust Me. As you rest in Me and surrender your fears, hurts, and life to Me, you will be amazed. You will find peace, purpose, and worth… the very things you have been searching for your whole life.
From The Father
It’s time to get in My Word and learn who you are in Me, My child. Satan has caused you to question who I am and who you are in Me. That has brought you to a place of conflict and confusion. I will make you victorious as you set your eyes and heart on Me. I will open up the floodgates of Heaven right where you are.
From The Father
Know, My child, that you are precious in My sight. You are my treasured possession. One who I found worthy enough for Me to give up My life. While you were yet a sinner, I died for you.
From The Father
Find your worth and acceptance in Me, My child. Open your heart, eyes, and ears to me. Open your mouth, and I will fill you up. No longer will you be empty, frustrated, or in despair. You will be free and full of joy, complete, and content.
From The Father
Don’t worry about tomorrow. I have a plan for your life. Fruition of that plan starts the day you accept Me as Your Lord, not just your Savior. Surrender to Me, My child. Give Me all of you. I will always give you all of Me.
From The Father
My child, be not afraid or dismayed of the looks of people. Don’t worry about what people think. Live for Me. I am the One who will fulfill your every desire and give you more than you could ever hope for or imagine. I am the One who will never fail, forsake, or abandon you. I am the Giver of life and the Giver of all good things. Seek Me.
From The Father
Good things are in store for you, My child. I will use you to touch the world through your passions. Lay aside your plan. Don’t worry about how it will happen, or when. Right now, take the time to get close to Me. Seek Me for yourself.
From The Father
My child, in Me you will have a solid foundation on which you can stand. I will make your paths straight. I will move you forward. I will fight your battles. I will give you the victory.
From The Father
Keep your eyes on Me, My child, and your heart turned to and tuned into Me. You will be amazed at what I do in your life and through it. I have a plan for you and I will bring it to fruition. Just take one trust-filled, courageous step at a time. I am the God of the impossible!
From The Father
My Precious Child, My plans for you and your loved ones are always for good. You can trust them, and you can trust Me. I know life is hard, and I know it hurts. I understand how you feel.
Like you, I have felt the betrayal of people as they rejected, mocked, and ignored Me. I have felt the pain of losing loved ones; I have wept. I have felt the physical pain of hunger. I have been tempted and lied to by the enemy. I was beaten and then nailed to a cross to die.
So you can trust Me, child, when I say,
I know your pain.
But there is hope. When you are with Me, nothing can overtake you. I have given you My strength to overcome every trial—and My strength never runs out. My wisdom never runs out, either. And neither will My provision. Ever.
Draw close now, and hold tight to Me. I am with you always. Remember, nothing is impossible for Me!
Don’t look at your circumstances; look at Me. I am all you need. My grace is sufficient for you. It provides all the peace, power, and provision you need to emerge victoriously from your trial.
My love and divine presence will always be more than enough.
From The Father
Trust Me with the circumstances of your life. I know they seem overwhelming. But always remember, you are not alone. The great I AM is with you, helping you, and able to do abundantly more than you can hope for or imagine. So don’t give up and don’t give in.
I know you have so many questions. I know you don’t understand the why behind what you are experiencing. But that’s okay. You don’t have to have the answers to every one of life’s questions to move forward. All you need is Me; I AM the answer. And as you acknowledge Me and bring me into your circumstances, I will direct your path.
My love will carry you. My wisdom will show you the way. My power will provide the strength to move forward, even in the darkest night. I AM working behind the scenes, working everything out for good and for My glory. I will not fail you.
Trust Me, child…even now.
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