The year 2020 was unpredictable and challenging in so many ways. It’s incredible how a virus, a phone call, a knock on your door, or a text can change your life.

My family’s world turned upside down on June 11, when my oldest son, Stephen, was in an automobile accident. At first, we heard only that he had sustained a broken wrist and ankle. But then, the doctors discovered he was losing spinal fluid. Stephen needed immediate spinal surgery on five vertebrae. The doctor was certain he would be paralyzed.

There were other medical issues, as well. Stephen’s entire left leg was mangled. All the bones in both feet were broken, as well as his left ankle and wrist. It’s a wonder he didn’t lose his leg. The miracle of all miracles was that he had no head trauma.

We quickly informed family and friends through social media and asked them to pray for Stephen and for the doctors working on his behalf. Stephen miraculously came through the surgeries.

On July 28, my precious daughter-in-law shared a testimony of God’s goodness on FaceBook: “God is so gracious. He rescues us from things we see and don’t see. He’s there when we feel alone and afraid, when we feel lost, or when life just seems too much. He will never leave us; He is the anchor that holds.”

In the months that followed, God’s Word and His faithful love became our lifeline. Our hope in Him was the anchor that secured our hearts and minds as so many emotions attacked us (Hebrews 6:19). After three weeks in the hospital and five weeks in a rehab center, Stephen finally came home. Oh, how we rejoiced. I will be forever grateful that God touched my son.

No matter their age, when one of your children goes through a traumatic event, everything else fades into the background. Priorities change. My number-one priority became prayer. Stephen needed specific miracles for each part of his body. I looked up scripture on healing and spoke God’s Word over him.

When I would pray these scriptures, I always put Stephen’s name in the place of “I” or “my.” He is a believer in Jesus Christ. For example, I’d pray Psalm 107:20 and other verses over him: “Father, Your Word has become a part of Stephen. It is flowing in his bloodstream. It flows to every cell of his body, restoring and transforming it. Your Word has become flesh, for You sent Your Word and healed Stephen.” (Find other scriptures on page 33).

Did you know that words of faith cause God’s power to flow from the unseen realm to the seen realm? According to Hebrews 4:2, faith is leaning our entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness. This year, our family leaned on God, and God showed Himself trustworthy.

Looking back over 2020, I am reminded how important it is to prepare for the unpredictable before it happens. What we choose to do daily determines whether or not we will be able to stand when challenging times come. If we decide today to spend time with our heavenly Father and enjoy His presence, we will be better prepared to face tomorrow.

How do you prepare for tomorrow? Spend time with God before you step into the busyness of life. Tell Him how much you love Him and that you need His wisdom. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you and to reveal anything in your life that is not of Him. When He shows you those things, ask Him to forgive you and ask for His peace to fill your heart. Study His Word and pray it. As a child of God, praise Him for His resurrection power that lives inside of you.

His power and presence will keep you safe during the most unpredictable, challenging moments. It’s His promise to you. God is the anchor that holds, no matter the storm.