If you’re interested in becoming involved in prison ministry or already have a prison ministry and need free faith-based resources for the incarcerated, Victorious Living is here to help! We’ve rounded up some of our best prison ministry resources to help you get started. Check out this video from founder Kristi Overton Johnson to learn more, or click the links in each section to view each resource.



Victorious Living founder Kristi Overton Johnson has written many devotionals to encourage those behind bars. We’ve made these devotionals easy for you to download — click here to view devotionals in English and click here to view devotionals in Spanish.


Inspirational Videos

Browse encouraging, inspirational videos from Victorious Living founder Kristi Overton Johnson and the team. Click here to download them!



Our inspirational Christian podcast features stories and interviews designed to deliver hope to your heart and offer you tools to live a victorious life. Click here to listen to the Victorious Living podcast now!


Digital Access

Incarcerated persons now have digital access to Victorious Living on tablet systems and through email. By the end of 2023, we anticipate our resources being available to 80% of prison facilities nationwide. 

Our videos, devotionals, and other discipleship content will now be included in the Pando and Edovo apps. These programs provide free resources to the incarcerated to engage with their faith in a new way!

In addition to VLMag, we offer incarcerated persons discipleship material on tablet systems through MORE Victorious Living broadcasts, Stepping Forward broadcasts, VL Podcasts, and VL Storytime. We also provide fellowship and encouragement through personal written correspondence and now email correspondence at hope@vlmag.org. 

Family members of our incarcerated family and our ministry partners can also enjoy these free resources through pandoapp.tv and VL‘s online platforms like the website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


Learn more about PANDO  |  Learn more about EDOVO  |  Email us at hope@vlmag.org.


Letter Writing Templates

Check out our sample letters of encouragement to inmates to jumpstart your letter writing. We also have helpful tips on how to write a letter to an inmate.


Order Victorious Living Magazine In Bulk

Victorious Living Magazine is available in bulk! Take and leave copies when you’re visiting the incarcerated, use them as material for your small group, or wherever stories of hope and redemption are needed. Contact us about ordering bulk copies today.


We hope these prison ministry resources are helpful to you! If you’d like more information about starting a prison ministry, support for families of prisoners, joining one of our Shine Bright and Write events, or hosting SBW events at your church, contact us today. You can help us deliver the hope and light of Jesus to the incarcerated across the nation!