There’s nothing like walking with the Lord, knowing that you are in the center of His will, and using your spiritual gifts to serve and glorify Him. I love it when I pray, and suddenly, God answers. Doors open, my pathway becomes clear, and I rejoice as I experience the goodness of God.

Many doors He’s opened in my life, however, have led to difficult paths. He’s asked me to leave behind comfortable lifestyles or people who weren’t leading me closer to Him. It’s not always easy to follow Him.

I read the last page of a book first. Not knowing what lies ahead is stressful for me. How I wish I could have coffee with Jesus and ask Him all my questions, and that He would answer me right then and there.

Recently, I searched the Bible for examples of others with questions and found the story of Rebekah and Isaac. This couple could not conceive, so Isaac prayed for God to open Rebekah’s womb. God’s answer soon led to a difficult path for Rebekah.

Genesis 25:22–23 reveals that she noticed a war in her womb and asked God what was happening. The Lord answered, saying, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.”

The Lord’s answer to Rebekah that she was carrying twins and that those children would not be best friends was not comforting news. Twins, fine. But the rest of it—that they’d be enemies? Can you imagine?

Notice that God did not address her immediate concern, the pregnancy’s pain. Instead, He revealed the outcome of the path ahead. I’m sure Rebekah was full of questions after that, trying to understand the pain and the arduous task and outcome facing her.

God’s will for my life has been hard to understand at times. Like Rebekah, I’ve asked God why. His usual answer is, “Trust Me.”

Trusting God is the key to stepping forward down dark, lonely, and confusing paths. Proverbs 3:5–6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (NIV).

God has never failed to make my paths straight. His Word has been “a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105 NIV). The Lord Himself has held my hand and walked with me. And at times, He has carried me like a child.

Trusting God doesn’t mean I don’t ask Him questions. I talk to God all the time. So can you. God can handle our questions and requests.

When the angel Gabriel told Mary that she would carry the Son of God, she had questions! God welcomed them because she asked honestly and humbly; she trusted His heart toward her and believed nothing was impossible with Him. (See Luke 1:34–38.)

It helps me to remember that God is in control and that nothing is impossible, especially when I encounter the troubles Jesus and Peter promised (John 16:33; 1 Peter 4:12–13). I remind myself that He is writing His story for my life, and it’s a good one.

No, the paths we walk aren’t always easy. We will have questions. But, as we trust the Lord, we can walk those roads victoriously, witnessing the faithful One write a beautiful story of promise and redemption through us, just like He did for Rebekah and Mary.