Are you facing a situation completely out of your control? Are you perhaps watching your children go down a wayward path? I’ve been there, and I know how overwhelmingly painful it can be.

Years ago, one of my children was in the clutches of the enemy because of his own choosing. I found myself face down, crying out to God. My heart was so broken, yet the Lord gave me a tenacious desire to pray like I had never prayed before.

To the best of my ability, I was standing strong in my faith and waging war against the enemy, coming against everything that sought to destroy our family. That’s when I heard the Lord whisper to my heart, “Stop praying against and pray for.”

As I pondered those words, I realized I had become so focused on the thing that was shredding my heart to bits that I was missing out on calling forth my child’s destiny in Christ Jesus. According to Romans 4:17, God is the One who “gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not” (NIV).

God was asking me, as a parent, to do the same. Instead of spending so much time praying against the thing that seemed to have a hold on my child, I was to call forth God’s promises on his behalf. This took time, persistence, diligence, and faith. I had to be fully persuaded that God’s Word would accomplish what it said, no matter how impossible that seemed.

Our children are engaged in real spiritual battles against a real enemy called Satan, and there is a time to come against what comes against our loved ones in Jesus’ name. But there is also a time to speak life over their struggles. God has given us His Word to reinforce the victory that Jesus purchased at the cross. It is the power of His spoken Word and our faith in it that brings victory, both for us and for our loved ones.

Our faith-filled prayers release the unseen power of God to apprehend our wayward children and bring them back to His throne of grace. We must remember that we are approaching God’s throne of grace and not His throne of judgment. Romans 2:4 says it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.