1. KOJM Archives - Victorious Living Ministries

How did a former water skier end up in prison ministry?

One visit with an incarcerated friend in 2013 opened the eyes of KOJM founder Kristi Overton Johnson to the hopelessness of life behind bars. It also birthed in her a desire to minister to the hearts of incarcerated men and women.  

Soon after, this former world champion water skier traded in her career to serve the corrections community and answered God’s call by starting Victorious Living Ministries. What began in 2013 with the delivery of Victorious Living Magazine into Florida prisons has now expanded to a comprehensive, international, bilingual outreach to the incarcerated and those working in corrections.

How are Victorious Living Ministries and Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries related?

Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries (KOJM) is a nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that exists for religious purposes. The Florida-registered ministry operates programs under the name Victorious Living; its offices are in Greenville, NC. A board of directors oversees all organizational operations, including strategy, annual budgeting, financial reporting, and accountability. Our tax ID number (EIN) is 26-4307444. 

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