Mission and Values
Victorious Living exists to change the global corrections culture by delivering the transforming and empowering hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all its members.
We encourage, equip, and empower members of the corrections community through biblically-based solutions that lead to wholeness, fulfillment of purpose, and positive impact on those around them.
Core Values
Ministry Practices
Honor God and serve others.
We work enthusiastically and with our whole heart as unto the Lord, remembering all He has done for us (I Samuel 12:24). Our service is to fight for the forgotten and oppressed as we bring the hope of the Gospel to those who are in spiritual bondage (Matt. 25:35-40). The applause of others is less important than hearing “well done, good and faithful servant” from our Lord. We humbly serve, never thinking more of ourselves than we ought (Romans 12:3).
Choose faith over fear.
God has anointed us to do His work. He will provide what we need (Phil. 4:19-20; Matt. 6:25-33). We will trust in His provision of all things by focusing on Him. “All things” includes the results of our efforts. Faith means we will not panic in hard times because we know difficulties are how our faith grows (Jas. 1). Faith allows us to continue in the momentum God is building.
Seek wise counsel.
We have the Holy Spirit living within us to help us in life and ministry (Jn. 15:1-11). The Bible contains wisdom for decision-making (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God has gifted others with knowledge and insight, so we seek counsel (Prov. 11:14-15) from those aligned with our vision and direction. When we seek wise counsel from the Lord, His Word, and Spirit-filled counselors, we can trust that He will bless and protect us as we step forward in faith for His purposes. Best practices inform our decisions, but we may choose a less traditional path because we follow the Lord’s leading and not someone else’s formula.
Act with intention.
We make plans from our redeemed hearts and commit them to the Lord for His good purposes (Prov. 16:1-3). The Master expects a return on the time, talent, and financial resources He has entrusted us to steward (Matt. 25:14-30). With His plans in our hearts, we will redeem our time (Eph. 5:15-17) by making every decision in line with His Word and the ministry’s purpose.
Do all things well.
Quality matters to God (Prov. 22:29). We are people of excellence who give our best and our all to the One who gave His best and all for us. We show ourselves in all respects to be a model of good works, and in our teaching, we show integrity, dignity, and sound speech (Titus 2:7 8). We are a team with different gifts and talents.
Encourage one another daily.
We excel when we work together harmoniously, considering one another, encouraging one another, provoking one another to do good works, and always remembering every member of our team is of equal importance (Hebrews 10:24). We have the mind of Christ (Phil 2) at all times, resolve conflict quickly (Eph. 4:26 ; Matt. 18:15-29, 21-22), and protect one another from falling into sin (Gal. 6:12).
Do not compromise.
We are a team of sanctified (set apart) people (1 Peter 1:13-20) engaged in our Father’s work. The ministry is sanctified from a watching and often skeptical world. Every action we take must be an accurate reflection of Christ, so others will know and follow Him (Matt. 5:13-16; 1 Cor. 1:11). In every area, we will make decisions that fall on the side of sanctification and holy living rather than the comfort or appeasement of others (1 Cor. 6:11b-12).
Live generously.
The KOJM team works together, and if we err, we will err on the side of generosity to those we serve (Luke 6:30). We are generous in sowing Gospel seeds and expect God’s blessing for a plentiful harvest (1 Cor. 9:6). God is an abundant God who lavishes His love and blessings on others. We shall do the same.