Our digital resources on correction-issued tablets provide comprehensive care including mental health and addiction recovery tools, trauma-informed care, wellness programming, and Christian discipleship.
We offer the following resources to the corrections community:
For those needing words of encouragement for hard times, our inspirational Christian podcast features stories and interviews from the pages of VLMag designed to deliver hope.
Listen to the Victorious Living podcast now!
Bilingual Broadcasts
Our collection of broadcasts includes More Victorious Living with host, Kristi Overton Johnson, Stepping Forward with host, Sheridan Correa, MBC, VL Podcast with host, Brooke Maratta, and VL Small Group with Kristi Overton Johnson, Pat Avery, Sheridan Correa, and special guest
Watch what they’re watching! Visit our YouTube channel and browse all the encouraging, inspirational videos from the Victorious Living Team.
Digital Access
Incarcerated persons now have digital access to Victorious Living on tablet systems and through email.
Our videos, devotionals, and other discipleship content are available on God Behind Bar’s Pando App, Edovo Go and Edovo Course apps, Pay Tel’s Pathway to Achieve and Pathway to Faith apps, and WestPond Correctional TV Programming.
These programs provide free resources to the incarcerated to engage with their faith and restoration journeys in a new way!
In addition to VLMag, we offer incarcerated persons discipleship material on tablet systems through MORE Victorious Living broadcasts, Stepping Forward broadcasts, VL Small Group, and VL Podcasts. We also provide fellowship and encouragement through personal written correspondence and now email correspondence at
Family members of our incarcerated family and our ministry partners can also enjoy these free resources through and VL‘s online platforms like the website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Learn more about PANDO | Learn more about EDOVO | Email us at
We hope these Christian resources and devotionals inspire and encourage you! Visit our About page for more information about our mission and prison ministry.