Denise San Miguel

Inmate Family Advocate & Hispanic Outreach Coordinator
denise@vlmag.orgA local realtor, wife, mom and servant of Jesus Christ, Denise joined the VL mission when she came across a tv segment on Good Life 45 about our prison ministry. Since then, Denise has become a vibrant member of our team as she uses her experiences of having an incarcerated loved one to encourage other families affected by incarceration. You will often find her outside of courtrooms speaking life and hope to those whose family member was sentenced and sharing the good news of Jesus through her testimony and Victorious Living magazine. If she is not selling properties, spending time with her kiddos, or uplifting families of the incarcerated, you will find Denise on the water enjoying God’s beauty. We are thankful God brought Denise to our team and trust He will use her love for people and the Lord in both the English and Spanish speaking communities.