Prison Ministry in Vermont

Do you feel called to serve “the least of these”? Victorious Living is a prison outreach that encourages hearts and equips minds around the country. Copies of VL are distributed to prison systems, filled to the brim with stories of God’s sovereignty. In addition to this free magazine service, we also offer digital resources, prison outreach events, and engaging podcasts.

We are not currently serving these state prisons in Vermont. GIVE NOW so we can deliver hope behind bars!

Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility
Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility
Northern State Correctional Facility
Northeast Correctional Complex
Northwest State Correctional Facility
Southeast State Correctional Facility
Southern State Correctional Facility

Join us in getting VL into every prison in the nation.

Since 2013, VL has helped over 1 million incarcerated persons experience God’s word in a personal way. Each edition invites readers into fellowship with personal subscriptions and thoughtful responses to those who write back. If God has placed prison ministry in Vermont on your heart, VL is a great way to make a direct impact. Currently, it costs $500 to distribute VL in a Vermont facility for one year. Consider joining us in our mission to deliver hope to every prison in Vermont and give today!


If you know an incarcerated man or woman who could benefit from a prison outreach program like VL, visit our Family Resources Page for insightful information on how to get involved. We’d love to pray for you and your loved ones, too! Contact our Partner Care Director, Pat Avery, at to be individually prayed for.