3. Writing Team Archives - Victorious Living Magazine

Why is writing to an inmate so powerful?

The Holy Spirit inspired words written by our writing team are often the only source of communication many inmates have with the outside world. They are the only proof that anyone cares or even knows they exist. Most have been long forgotten by family and friends; therefore, these letters are the only light of hope many inmates will ever see.

Who can become a part of the Victorious Living Writing Team?

Writing inmates is a great ministry opportunity for people of all ages 16+ . 

Where are the letters to prisoners written?

Many letters are responded to at our Shine Bright & Write events. Others are written from the privacy of home. (Only trained writers who are a part of our Prison Correspondence Team write from home.)

Is writing to an inmate safe?

Absolutely! Members of our writing team,  go through a training process and led through policies & procedures to ensure the safety of every member of our Victorious Living family. As a writer you will receive a Victorious Living Correspondence Packet that includes all the information and resources you will need to correspond with inmates who are a part of our Victorious Living family. All prison correspondence flows through our ministry and our postal box. Names and addresses of  writers remain anonymous. Writers sign, “Your Victorious Living family.”

If I decide to write from home, how many letters do I have to commit to write?

We ask that you commit to two letters a week and that you respond to the inmate’s letter within a week of your receiving it. Inmates have stepped out of their comfort zone to write to us; we don’t want to keep them waiting. If for some reason you aren’t able to write, that’s okay, just communicate with our director. Life happens; we understand. 🙂

How do I get the inmates’ letters?

If you are writing from home, our director will scan and e-mail the letters directly to you. Once you complete your letter, you will notify our director as to the date you mailed your correspondence to the inmate. If you are attending a Shine Bright and Write event, the letters will be provided at the event.

How will I know what to say?

The prospect of writing to a stranger may seem a bit frightening, especially one with a criminal background. But as you still your mind and pray for the Lord’s guidance, He will direct your words. He never fails. Our ministry’s goal is to love and encourage an inmate, not correct, convict, or counsel them. Our constant purpose is simply to point them to Jesus and His unchanging Word, as those two things alone have the power to restore lives. Our tips on how to write a letter to an inmate provide more information on what you can share in your letter.

Can I write to the same inmate again?

For your safety and the safety of the inmates in our Victorious Living family, as well as the efficiency of our correspondence outreach, we do not connect individual inmates with individual writers.

Can I send an inmate items they request or items I think they’d enjoy?

Due to Department of Corrections regulations, we are not allowed to send stamps, money, or otherwise connect inmates with family members or other inmates. Any written materials (including religious materials) must be pre approved by KOJ Ministries.

VL Writing Team provides the local church?

  • A proven ministry to impact lives, especially for senior adults.
  • A safe ministry to prisoners, as policies and procedures are already securely in place.
  • Encourages a connection between the church and local inmates for further discipleship.
  • An opportunity for church goers to understand the life-stories of inmates. Humanizes the prisoner and builds godly compassion in the hearts of the writers toward the prisoner.
  • Presents an opportunity for the church to sow into good soil. Over 130 inmates are being added to our correspondence program monthly.

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